Solving real-world problems


InnoCube is a boutique research and innovation company, designing, developing and implementing novel products, frameworks and tools based on next generation technologies and tools. 


Our Vision

InnoCube's ultimate vision is to become the catalyst of positive multidisciplanry changes by capitalizing theoretical research and providing applicable solutions. Innocube serves as the interface between theoretical and applicable research aiming at providing feasibility studies, high-complexity simulations, and innovative prototypes.

Our Mission

What We Do

 InnoCube provides state-of-the-art integrated solutions, products, and platforms in the 5G, beyond 5G, and next-generation IoT landscapes.

  • IdentifyReal-World Problems & Challenges
  • DetermineKey Design Parameters
  • ExtractTechnical Requirements
  • EnvisionNovel Technological Solutions
  • MotivateColaborations
& Innovation
  • ConductMultidisciplinary Research
  • AnalyzeFeasibility & Efficiency
  • Design & CreatePrototypes
  • PerformExperimental Verification & Evaluation
  • Promote & CirculateKnowledge
  • AssessBusiness & Market Landscape
  • ExploitResearch Results
  • Design & DevelopCustomizable Products
  • OptimizeUnder Real-World Conditions
  • DeployIntegrated Solutions

Our Expertize

What We Specialize In

Our team consists of high-experienced researchers and developers with proven organization and managerial skills. Our expertise lies on wireless communications and networks, artificial intelligent, cloud and edge computing. 

5G & Beyond Networks

Design, development, and testing of self-organized and self-sustainable intelligent communication systems and networks capable of providing high quality of experience to end users.

Artificial Intelligence

Fully parametrized supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement and transfer learning toolbox capable of supporting a large variate of usage scenarios.

Cloud & Edge Computing

Design, utilize and manage multi-tenant cloud and multi-access edge computing with optimized resource allocation, functional placement and provisioning.

Next Generation IoT

Design, develop and optimize integrated and fully-automated IoT platforms and systems for mission critical applications of diverse demands.